A new release of VASP is available for download now!

This release differs from VASP.6.4.1 by the following changes/additions (amongst others):

Fixes the following known issues:

  • Bugs in interface to wannier90.
  • Incorrect MLFF fast-mode predictions for some triclinic geometries.
  • Fast-mode predictions will crash together with finite difference (IBRION=5,6).

and additionally:

  • Added a proper exit if MLFF is encounters multiple atom types with the same label.
  • Blocking of scaLAPACK redistribution in MLFF (to reduce memory demands) was not correctly implemented.
  • Assorted small fixes and improvements.

Go to the VASP Portal to get VASP.6.4.2. This requires a VASP.6 license issued by the VASP Software GmbH.
Get a license!